Phasmophobia Ghost Identifying Guide
Welcome to the Definitive Ghost Identifying Guide Whether you’re a newbie shivering in the Tanglewood bathroom or a seasoned investigator with zero sanity and a dream, this guide will help you identify, outwit, and survive every ghost in Phasmophobia. Grab your EMF reader, crucifix, and a good dose of sanity pills (you'll need 'em) and let’s dive in! Ghost Abilities: What Makes Them Tick? Each ghost in Phasmophobia has unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Understanding these quirks is essential to pinning down your paranormal foe. I'll supply some links to specific ghosts below, but let’s get into breaking them down:BansheeDemonJinnMareOniPoltergeistRevenantShadeSpiritWraithPhantomGoryoYureiYokaiHantuObakeOnryoThe TwinsRaijuMylingMoroiDeogenThaye Banshee Banshee Hunt Threshold The Banshee is a standard 50% sanity hunter. Banshee Abilities When the Banshee performs a roam outside of hunts, if the hunt target is inside the investigation area, it has a 2/3 (67%) chance of triggering its ability which […]